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What Fleas bring to the party


Flea-cat scratching

Feas are vectors of many bacteria, viruses and parasites, but the main and most common concern is tapeworm. More often than not, when cats and fleas are present, so are tapeworms. Tapeworms are parasites that live within the intestinal tract of their hosts, most commonly domesticated cats and dogs.

Catching fleas usually means catching tapeworms, and catching tapeworms is very important. While tapeworms are not a serious concern for adults, a family pet who licks and plays with a child can infect that child with these parasites. Unknowing parents will be surprised when their children become sluggish and suddenly have a voracious appetite—an odd combination of symptoms for other typical childhood illnesses.


But I Have an Indoor Cat

Some pet owners say, “Well, I have an indoor cat, I won’t need anything like that.” As long as there is an outdoors, there is a need to ensure that your cat stays safe from intruders. This is especially true for indoor cats who share their homes with dogs and children. Just as it is hard to understand why houseflies may be found in a perfectly kept home, it is hard to understand how or why fleas would be able to come into a ho me and infest your cat. Rather than take the risk, use preventative methods such as Revolution™, Frontline™.No flea collars and/or OTC spot treastment products. Some products have caused seizures in cats and dogs. Consult your veterinarian before starting a treatment .  


Kittens Under 8 Weeks Very young kittens cannot use standard flea medications.

Choosing a proper flea medication 

Choosing the proper flea medication for kittens is crucial to their health. The wrong medication can kill them but so can fleas. Kittens are delicate and have a limitted blood supply and can easily lose too much blood, causing potentially fatal anemia. In fact, anemia from fleas is the leading cause of death for kittens. There are safe methods of treatment, however, for these young animals.

The recommended way to rid kittens eight weeks and younger of fleas is by using dish soap (Dawn). Kittens this young are in danger of suffering toxic or deadly overdoses from the chemicals in commercial flea products, so bathing is the safest method. VetInfo instructs caregivers of a flea-ridden kittens to bathe them in a few inches of warm water, wetting the fur before applying the soap or shampoo. Thoroughly massage the soap into the fur, picking off fleas that run for the eyes, ears and nose regions by using a pair of tweezers, crushing them and drowning the parasites in the bath water. Dry the kitten with a warm towel and pick off any remaining fleas with a flea comb. Follow up by combing the kitten's fur daily and and bathing her every few days until the fleas are gone.

Advantage II and Advantage Multi

Other commercial flea medications can be used for kittens eight weeks and older. Advantage is made by Bayer and comes in a package of one monthly dose or in packages of four to six monthly doses. Its active ingredient is imidacloprid, which attacks the nervous system of the flea, paralyzing and killing it. It stops biting fleas within five minutes, and in 20 minutes, 99 percent of flea larvae are dead, according to VetInfo. Advantage comes in two different dosages depending on the kitten's weight and is applied to the skin at the base of the skull. Severe side effects are rare.


Revolution is another option for kittens older than eight weeks. Revolution is made by Pfizer Animal Health and comes in a single monthly dose or in packs of three to six monthly doses. Its active ingredient is selamectin, which kills heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, ear mites and fleas. The medication is applied to the skin above the shoulder blades, where it then enters the blood stream to distribute to the skin and other tissues. Within 36 hours, 98 percent of fleas are dead, according to VetInfo. Revolution comes in two different dosages based on the cat's weight. Approximately 1 percent of animals given Revolution get an upset stomach; 1 percent might also have hair loss at the application site. Clumping hair and white residue where the medication is applied is fairly common and is temporary

Click here for more information about fleas.